Santa Pupa
help you!
In Rome they say "Saint Pupa help you".
In reality she is a non-existent saint, she is the transmutation of all those pagan divinities that the ancient Romans invoked to protect children; Edrusa to make them eat, Cuba to make them sleep, Pavenzia to protect them from fear, and many other minor deities.
Santa pupa is so rooted in the Roman tradition that she is the muse and protagonist of a poem by Belli, and is (horribly) portrayed in a painting (oil on plywood), located in the Trilussa office where the Trastevere museum is now located.
Belli's sonnet

Santa Pupa is a real saint
I weigh them, for Christ, they cojjoni;
And thanks to her many holy bums
Don't worry, Terresa, give you a zero.
Go and tell all the Fijis that they are happy!
I know that with my parents I despair,
And they made out for the whole day:
Without her, God knows what the consequences will be!
And yet, with this big bite, poor thing,
Have you ever seen a lit cigarette?
Does anyone have a chapel bag?
Fortune and sleep: here it is, Tterresa;
And Saint Peter, who gave the ciampanella,
Wrinkle, and that's the ass in the mouth of the church!
Giacchino Belli, Rome, 17 January 1833
The mother deities of Santa Pupa
These deities had specific roles in assisting infants and children in various aspects of their growth. Some examples include:
Partula and Lucina: They were deities invoked during childbirth, with Lucina associated with delivering newborns. This rite was later replaced by Sant'Anna with the advent of Christianity.
Vagitano: This deity was invoked so that the newborn would cry for the first time, which would allow him to start breathing.
Edusa and Potina: They were deities invoked to stimulate the appetite and ensure that the newborn did not choke while drinking.
Cuba and Cunina: They were deities invoked to help newborns sleep and protect their dreams.
Pavenzia: She was invoked to help children overcome sudden scares.
Carda: Protected the child's physical health and heart.
Fabulinus: Helped in the transition from babbling, or babbling syllables, to spoken language.
Statulino: Protected the child while he learned to walk.
Iuventas: He was the deity associated with the transition from childhood to adolescence.
Abeona and Adeona: They were called upon when children began to leave the house on their own, with Adeona bringing them safely home.
Roman tradition therefore provided for divine protection for every stage of a child's growth and development